the track receiver
FotoWerk Vienna: the track receiver - hidden worlds
solo exhibition at Klaus Gnaiger FotoWerk-Vienna from 11 to 26 March
the track receiver - hidden worlds
night tracks? The headlights of a bus can be made out. Beam. Yellow light, red lines, lots of black. Then, almost black and white, the wire tangle of a white-limed forearm? Or just ice on the road? Finally, green-bluish with seemingly countless branches thin lines, as drawn on the Structure like rock under water? Klaus Gnaiger out in a one-man show behind the familiar themes and scenes that we are used to perceive as a whole. He worked for the viewer as collector hidden worlds, what is seen. What is not seen. to see in the photo-factory vienna, 1070, Burggasse 81st The opening is on Friday 11 March 2011, 19 clock.
the track receiver - solo exhibition at the Vienna-FotoWerk
with works by Klaus Gnaiger
11th to 26 March 2011
Thu / Fri 16:00 to 19:00, Saturday 12:00 to 14:00
opening on Friday 11 March 2011, 19 clock
The eye perceives the things of the world as a whole. This is exactly coming to Klaus Gnaiger, from abstract painting, not important: "In painting and in photography that interests me is often hidden and overlooked."
In contrast to the eye catches the camera if set the hidden worlds. "In art, I find it interesting to see what's new in sensations to the eye - just because it's so not in everyday life can be perceived," the Viennese artist and Fotoaktionist Klaus Gnaiger.
This often meet only part of us things which, seen from another perspective, the thing itself quite familiar seem unimportant and can be somewhat private, whole new can. The themes, urban landscapes, almost like a painting, captured in the photographic material as lines of light where the object and the scenery will merge into its own image.
Klaus Gnaiger captures traces. Where to take painting and photography. The photographs are stories of a moment to concentrate and function as colorful abstractions of a deeper sense of reality that surrounds us. "We long for a whole, after a completed picture, after a completed story," says the artist. The story is told not ready. The interpretation of the beginning and end, the viewer even afford.
unusual is the size of the image size, 13 x 18 Awareness against the gigantism of current contemporary art: "It corresponds to the small size of the sections of the things that should be captured in order to be able to develop in isolation from the larger whole life of their own.."
FotoWerk-wien displays> the track receiver < Bilder vom Leben hinter den Dingen.
Contact: @ romana.dorant, 0664/1352761
FotoWerk @ facebook
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