Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pressure Point On Ankle To Start Your Period


Again, I could knit a pair of luxury socks from 51% silk, 29% Merino sw, 20% SeaCell, in the order. If desired, I dyed the yarn and knit a once in a waffle pattern after 20 rounds 2 stitches, 2 stitches left.

"Ursi socks, size 38
Material: Silk / Merino sw / SeaCell 51/29/20% hand dyed
stop 64 stitches, needles 2.25 KnitPro

Herzchenferse all reinforced with lifting loops

Langer wedge then blunt tip tape, reinforced with mesh lifting

first and 2 Right round mesh
third and 4 Round: 2 sts, P2

The knitting tips I am very happy with lifting loops, just the complete heel. Then are precisely the critical points reinforced. This yarn is knit on just wonderful and I enjoy this pair of knitting. Now they have already flown and I hope the feet of Ursi are now packed not only beautiful but also pretty hot!

I wish everyone a peaceful third Advent weekend and let you go well.



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