"Drawing on the rock"
Material: Silk / Merino sw / SeaCell, 51/29/20%
The Ravelry group Krayzee socks are knitted with cables addition. a scarf Last winter, I knitted braids no more of a me inexplicable reason. Somehow I had in my early knitting have probably had a bad experience. Now I dare to knit with and because, despite a certain uneasy feeling that may accumulate in the socks are pleasant strolls in the shoes. Nevertheless, it is exciting, because now is waiting announced until next Friday about the next steps will be shown online and can be further knitted. Sockenaleitung This is offered for sale later.
have for this project, I kept with my yarn choice fliel lookout and on the strand "drawing in the rock." The material can become entangled so wonderful and who later also. Instead of 2.5 as recommended by needles, I started with size 2. To tressing I will change to 2.25. Actually, the whole thing should be done on two circular needles, which are with me but only from 2.5 in stock. So I'll decide at the next instruction on. My experience of this material is that it should be relatively involved enough for socks, as the share of silk is quite high at 51%. The mesh structure is incredibly beautiful, so I'm really looking forward to it.
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