Emma's first Birthday is over and our baby is officially not a baby. Somehow it will not really in our heads that we have experienced 12 months with our sweet daughter. No wonder, when on a day she will become sad and tumbles the odd tear. mastered especially when you consider that our little breakfast Starterin milestones in just 365 days. How much it has made our lives upside down and how nice the family life. Every single day they gave us a smile in his face and magic you do not want to miss a second with her.
course, the first Weighing be celebrated properly and as an exciting day waiting for Emma. The night before we had decorated the apartment with balloons and garlands and the birthday girl was visibly thrilled when she discovered the colorful morning surprise. Before breakfast, she was allowed to unwrap their first gifts, and admire the many candles on the table. They obviously had fun with it and tried out the blocks and plug the puzzle of the same. Then came around 09:00 clock Grandma and Grandpa and the joy was great as always. Even better it was than they had then defeated the giant package of them and a bright red Bobbycar appeared. After a short test drive we went another round with Dad and Grandpa to fresh air, to still have a little nap. Rested can stand the crowds so much better. Mom and Grandma, meanwhile, prepared before the cake buffet. The cake that Aunt Betty for extra Emma still baked had been decorated with candles and then it could go too. At 10:00 clock then came even her friend Amy and her friend Janine + Mama + Mama Leo Susan. Emma had a few more minutes in coming, but then did the same with her friend Gustav + Baby Mama Kathi. Now it got really busy and Emma was not behind him with the unpacking of the many gifts. The last trickled Lasse + Mama Svenja one that we know the baby swimming. The birthday party was able to start correctly and then all gathered for the first time a piece of cake. Then the gifts were tested and all were crawling on a discovery tour through the living room. This was in a real battle field of building blocks, balloons and other toys transformed. But that probably belongs to a birthday party to, and ultimately, everything went off peacefully and Emma seemed to enjoy the chaos around them. By noon, all adopted gradually, and Emma could once again look to rest, which they had received everything. You could be happy about books, music, Buddelspielzeug, a funny animal and a wooden pull toy voucher.
After we had made the living room again stumbling sure we went with the grandparents have to ride out with the pram. We ate a snack on the road and Emma slept almost a sitting. Her afternoon nap she had so well deserved, especially since other Guests were announced. Around 15:00 clock Leni then came to visit Mama's friend Alex. The gifts went directly Marathon and Emma had new force, ripping up everything and unpack. The two you have a book, a wooden plug tower, a cuddly toy and what is brought to snack and dressing. Shortly after the bell rang again and Grandma Erika + Uncle Felix stood at the door and sang Happy Birthday. We opened the same coffee table and sat comfortably together in a piece of cake. Slowly then the birthday sounded, and from 18:00 clock we had the birthday girl all to ourselves. Much time to sleep was of course not, but snuggled at her birth at 19:11 clock time We once again with our mouse and then it went straight to bed. She slept well immediately exhausted. We can look back on a beautiful day and a happy smile on small mouse. She was in spite of the excitement and the many guests all the time in a good mood and happy. She seemed to remember also that something is different and everything revolves around them. We are pleased that we can still celebrate many such great birthdays together.