Now, we have indeed report from the last month of the first year of life. The time has gone by incredibly quickly and in recent weeks, Emma learned so many new things. Even the physical therapist has scheduled only two weekly appointments, because there is simply nothing more to treat. It can now no longer flopping uncontrollably on the ass, if it is, but to its knees, or based off to get on the floor. It can be wonderful to keep one hand or need only very slightly lean against something in order to have maintenance. She pushes her walker wagon also safely through the area and hands it may sometimes not be fast enough to put one foot before the other. Courage is only announced if it will not help and nothing is in range, where they could draw up and running. We are curious when they tried their first free steps. Meanwhile, she also tries on everything raufzuklettern, here are popular bed or sofa. You still need some help, because sometimes the legs are too short to properly find support, but otherwise it is fixed up. She even has the hang of it, that they must move backwards if it wants to back down. It looks really cute when she crawls to the edge and then rotates so that it can let down your legs first.
early February, is finally 1st Tooth erupted. However, as expected in the lower jaw, but the left upper incisor has first prevailed. Two weeks later the tooth was right. The two Kuchenzähnchen they can look even more mischievous. Actually, she has coped very well, but sometimes it mutated back to Mama's little monkey clip. However, her little body had to simultaneously process and the second infection. Despite the cold she was in a good mood, but coughs and colds have been annoyed a little. Because it's okay if you look around much.
your communication with the environment takes more and more forms. If she wants to have something, Simply show it and so we understand better what they want to work. When goodbyes now busy waving and hand kisses are distributed. One need only to say goodbye and Emma's little hands have to move accordingly. Talk of the teeth cleaning, she takes her finger into your mouth and makes cleaning movements. If you ask them for something they currently hold in your hand, then hands it to one with a smile and amused, to say thank you. The applause she has discovered for themselves, and they can enjoy this wonderful. In fact, she is a very happy little girl and smiles most of the day. Especially with grandma and grandpa, the whole Repertoire ascended to nonsense and we can often enjoy only. It is a real little Kasper and brings us much joy.
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