white teeth through home bleaching Dogit
[ Trigami Review ]
Today I want to introduce a product that I have in this form and did not know about also particularly interesting, found a whitening pen, which makes it easy to bleaching of teeth at home. My test came from the pen superweiss.com . you also can find more information: here. Bleaching Pen
This is also unattractive people with discolored teeth back to white teeth and thus help a radiant smile and as my teeth are yellowish, slightly discolored for some time, I wanted to test the course. I could to be honest, do not imagine that this pen can make the teeth really white, because what else all sorts of people for a lot of money to run to the dentist bleaching. I will say this, I was disabused, this pen is great, he is built like a small brush, with which one can apply the bleaching gel to the teeth, more to the application is there in the video and is very easy to use, it takes just 1 - 2 minutes at all visible teeth to provide them with gel and after the first treatment, my teeth have become noticeably whiter. The pen works great and if you then consider that it for 7 days, morning and evening bleaching ranges, I find that € 24.95 is also a more than reasonable price. The best way you see you my application for a short moment and who has problems with discolored teeth, which I can really only recommend the purchase. Me, anyway, the Whitening Pen more than convinced.
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