Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Do Leaves Change Color In Autumn? Ap Bio

sleeves What makes me happy: Sensual

blueberry blossoms
The remains of a beautiful bouquet, a gift from a dear friend surprised me first with beautiful green leaves and still with the flowers . The first "only" green stalks I recognized as blueberry branches and these may I not have to throw away. Funnily enough, the Straus also had wool plugged it and it led to yet another amazing bouquets. But so that it sprouts, blooms, I never thought and I am now very happy. Thanks again, dear as for Strauss.

......... exactly "my" colors ...... reserved

....... these make my heart jump .........

.......... dyed, spun and gekardet, cashmere / silk, a full pleasure .......
(barrel length will I have yet to calculate)
edit 2/20/2011: 170 g / 379 m

...... ... dyed silk, which I must spin in order and look forward to ................

... this is just the beginning, of paper and fabric .... more on that later,
is brought to the show .... Nähmschine

...... new Batts: that makes the heart beat faster and the spinning wheel keeps going ........

Nothing but nice things that make me happy!

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.



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